SetEditAD3000 for Echostar AD3000, DSB2110, D2510, D1100 Contents: 1 General 2 Installation 3 Step by step a Load and back up a settings file
Moving channels is easier when the channel list is shown in its original order. If the channel list is shown in alphabetical order and you move a chan
move the selected channel(s) with the arrow keys on your keyboard. If you press the key "Home" or "End" while the Ctrl key is pres
All channel lists (depending on what is shown/hidden) are now shown twice. It is of course the same list, but you have two different views of it. Cha
3.c The favourite list The Echostar AD3000 receivers have one favourite list for your favourite channels. To assign one or more channels to the
3.d Channel parameters Some of the SetEditAD3000 supported receivers have additionally an analogue tuner. The receiver always sorts the analogue
Analogue channels: Here you can also change the name of the channel. In the following sections you can enter or change the frequency, polarity, au
3.e Write settings into the receiver When you have finished making your personal settings you have to write them into the receiver before you can
3.g Using the transponder functions and entering new channels by hand There is a short summary of the transponder functions in chapter 5.e. Poss
Now you can enter the new TV and radio programs on this transponder. To do this select the new transponder and click with the right mouse button in
In the field "Name" you enter the name of this channel. In our example you have to enter 11553 for the frequency and select HOR for the p
1 General SetEditAD3000 is a program to change the settings (program sequence, names of channels etc.) of the Echostar AD3000, DSB2110, D2510, D1
You also change the notation of the PIDs if you click on the "H" for hexadecimal or "D" for decimal in the border of the "Inf
3.h Import of channels You have the possibility to get ready-made settings lists from the Internet. These lists can be used partially or complete
Channel list: The imported channels will be pasted at the location the cursor is on at the moment you paste the channels. Sometimes it is only possib
import these channels. Continue with Settings from other Receivers and how to convert a settings file.
3.i Settings from other receivers and how to convert a settings file In the following you find a description how to transfer a settings file fro
Convert a settings file You can convert all settings formats that are supported by SetEdit and for that you have got the corresponding editor (in
Continue with DXAndy settings.
3.j DXAndy settings On the site you can download current settings for Astra, Hotbird and Turksat. DXAndy settings are sorted by
With Satellites you can choose which satellites you can receive (Astra, Hotbird and/or Turksat). In the channel list you only see channels of the sele
Crypt systems: Here you can choose the crypt systems you can receive. The channels of the other crypt systems will be hidden. With "Only FTA&qu
2 Installation System requirements: PC with Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista, one free serial port and 20 MB of free disc space. First Installation: If
In our example you want to see (additional to the German channels) English and Spanish channels too, i.e. you have to select "ENG" and &quo
3.k Wish lists With SetEdit you have the possibility to create a personal channel list, save this list as wish list and then (if you have got th
when you adapt a settings file to this wish list and the first of the linked channels is not found, this channel will be replaced by the next channel
With the shortcut "STRG-Alt-N" you get from your actual position in the channel list to the position of the next "not found" or &
4 Program use and personal configuration SetEditAD3000 is mostly used with the mouse. You can also reach many functions with keyboard shortcuts.
If the channel number is marked with a red background colour, the channel is assigned to a vertical polarised transponder. If the channel number has a
Especially when you want to move channels from the beginning to the end of your list, it may be useful to use the split function. With this function
5 Functions 5.a File functions To get the file functions, please click on the "File" button. You will get the following popup menu:
With Save wish list you can save the actually loaded settings file as a wish list (see chapter 3.k). With Adapt settings to a wish list you can ada
5.b Configuration Click on the "Config." button to change the general settings of SetEdit. There are three tab sheets in the configurat
Here you can download the upgrade in form of a zip file. (You can either start the installation immediately or save this file on your hard disc first.
closed the last session are reopened (see chapter 5.a.) If you activate Show channel count in lists the number of channels of each satellite, transpo
New or not existing channels (for the import function, see chapter 3.h) The icons for e.g. "locked", "scrambled" or for the r
5.c Channel functions Please select the channels you like to edit/modify. You get most functions when you click with the right mouse button on a
You can find a longer description of the different PIDs, IDs and transponder data in chapter 3.g. For analogue channels you get the following window:
Mark new channels in: If you have opened more than one window of SetEdit (Import), you can mark in another channel list the channels that you don&ap
To see all channels of a satellite, transponder or the favourite list, please click in the respective list on the corresponding entry. In the frame o
5.d Satellite functions When you click on a satellite only the channels and transponders of this satellite are shown. When you click with the ri
With this function you save the satellite and LNB configuration of the actual loaded settings file (see chapter 3.i.) Load satellite configuration: W
5.e Transponder functions If you select a transponder only the channels that belong to this transponder are shown. You get most functions if you
With New you can create a new transponder or a new TV or Radio channel on the selected transponder. If you create a new transponder, this transponder
3 Step by step I assume that the program has been installed on your PC as described in chapter 2. Also it is assumed that you are using SetEditAD
5.f Favourites The Echostar AD3000 receivers have one favourite list into which you can copy your favourite channels. When you click with the
6. FAQ What do I need to transfer the settings from the receiver to the PC and back? You need a serial null-modem cable (no 1:1 cable) with the
I want to write Humax settings into my Topfield receiver. How can I do this? Load the Humax settings into the corresponding SetEdit editor and conver
window. With the short cut Alt-Esc you can bring it in the foreground. Where can I get help if I have other problems? If you have any other problems
Please make sure that your name is in the e-mail (there are often e-mails like "from: [email protected], I have sent you money today please sent m
8 Glossary and abbreviations Baud rate: The speed at which data is transferred via the serial port to the receiver. The number is in bits per sec
Settings are the part of the memory of your receiver where all channel information is stored. It contains all channel information such as sequence, c
All other options of this menu are explained in chapter 5.b in details. Now click on the button "file". You will get the following menu:
If you want to change your own receiver settings please click on the button "File" and select the menu item "Read from receiver".
If you select a transponder or the favourite list, you will only see the channels that are assigned to this transponder or the favourite list. When y
3.b Arrange settings Now you have the settings (from your own receiver or from the Internet) in SetEditAD3000. The most important functions will
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