114548DishPro Quad LNBFInstallationGuide114548_DP_Quad_Instructions.fm Page 1 Friday, May 31, 2002 1:35 PM
Page 10 114548Installation OptionsDiagram 1: Connecting the DishPro Quad LNBF to four (orfewer) receiver tuners.To DishPro ReceiverTunersNote: Each ca
114548 Page 11Diagram 2: Connecting the DishPro Quad to more than twosatellites and/or more than four receiver tuners114548_DP_Quad_Instructions.fm Pa
Page 12 114548Limited WarrantyThis warranty extends only to the original user of the DISHNetworkTMDishPro Quad LNBF (“you,” “your”) and islimited to t
114548 Page 13than our factory service; negligence; commercial orinstitutional use; improper or neglected maintenance;equipment sold AS IS or WITH ALL
114548 Page 15will be charged to your billing account or your valid creditcard.If you do not ship the defective equipment to EchoStar withinten days a
Page 16 114548back to you at no additional cost (additional charges mayapply outside of the continental US).If your equipment is out of warranty and c
114548 Page 17equipment in a typical residential installation. Except for thecable(s) provided with the device, you are required to useshielded cables
Page 18 114548technician, your satellite dealer, or call the Customer ServiceCenter at 1-800-333-3474, for assistance.In addition, the FCC provides a
114548 Page 19You must package returned equipment properly. Follow theinstructions that the Representative gives you. Write the RAnumber in large, cle
Page 2 114548ContentsWhy Install a DishPro Quad LNBF ...page 3Installing the DishPro Quad LNBF inan Existing System ...
Page 20 114548Trouble-shooting TablesWhat isHappeningPossibleReasonWhat to Do• When you runCheck Switch,you do not see“DP Quad”identified as adevice o
114548 Page 21What isHappeningPossibleReasonWhat to Do•Youmayhaveanon-Dishproswitch or LNBFin the system.• Your receivermayneedasoftwareupgrade.•.Remo
Page 22 114548What isHappeningPossibleReasonWhat to Do• When you runCheck Switch,you see “DPQuad” identifiedas the LNBF andSatellite shows“Conn,” but
114548 Page 23What isHappeningPossibleReasonWhat to Do• When you runCheck Switch,you see“Satellitereceptionverified” but yousee “Feed”instead of “DPQu
Page 24 114548What isHappeningPossibleReasonWhat to Do•Youmayhaveanon-DishProswitch or LNBFin the system.• Remove any non-DishProswitches orLNBFs. Run
114548 Page 25What isHappeningPossibleReasonWhat to Do•IftheCheckSwitchSummaryScreen shows“110W” on DishInput 1, youneed to point thedish 9 degrees to
Page 26 114548What isHappeningPossibleReasonWhat to Do• When you runCheck Switch,you see “DPQuad” identifiedasthedeviceorLNBF and youhave twosatellite
114548 Page 27Notes114548_DP_Quad_Instructions.fm Page 27 Friday, May 31, 2002 1:35 PM
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114548 Page 29Notes114548_DP_Quad_Instructions.fm Page 29 Friday, May 31, 2002 1:35 PM
114548 Page3Why install a DishPro Quad LNBFThe DishPro Quad LNBF allows you to receive signals fromthe 110oWest and 119oWest satellites, and route the
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114548 Page 31Notes114548_DP_Quad_Instructions.fm Page 31 Friday, May 31, 2002 1:35 PM
Page 32 114548Copyright © 2002, EchoStar Technologies Corporation,Englewood, Colorado 80112. All rights reserved.The information in this Guide may cha
Page 4 114548DISH Network dealer or the DISH Network at 800-333-DISH (3474).Installing the DishPro Quad LNBF in anExisting SystemIf you are installing
114548 Page5connections on the DishPro switch (see diagram, below).Thetworemainingportscanbeusedtosendthesignaltoanother switch, to other receiver tun
Page 6 1145485. When the Check Switch procedure finishes, you shouldsee a summary screen similar to the one shown below forreceivers direct connected
114548 Page7Installing the DishPro Quad LNBF in aNew DISH 500 SystemIf you are installing the DishPro Quad LNBF in a newsystem, follow the instruction
Page 8 1145484. Select Check Switch then Check.5. When Check Switch completes, you will see a messageasking if the mounting and positioning of your di
114548 Page9Installing the DishPro Quad LNBF in an Existing Systembeginning with step #2 to complete the installation.Port 3Port 2Port 1114548_DP_Quad
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